Blogs & Resources


Residential Electrical Services
Interested in learning how to do just about anything? Just go online. There is a YouTube instructional video for everything. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of home improvements. And it’s capturing a lot of eyeballs. Perennial
Energy Saving New Year Resolution
Happy 2023! It’s the middle of the month, and if you’re like a lot of people, you probably already gave up on your new year’s resolution. That’s because so many improvement goals are centered around giving up old things rather
Year In Review Quiz
One of the great things about publishing this blog is being able to take spotlight issues that face everyday New Yorkers and offer solutions that can make their lives a little easier. This past year, we saw utility costs rise,
Smart Thermostat
If you woke up this morning and asked Alexa “what’s the weather?” chances are you weren’t too pleased with her response. For the first time since last April, the mercury was at freezing. As they say on Game of Thrones,
Electrical Safety Tips
In season five of “The Office,” receptionist Pam famously started a passive-aggressive note battle in a vain attempt to get her co-workers to clean the office kitchen’s microwave. It was a situation that wasn’t too far away from reality. In


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